by Jayne Rylon | Nov 29, 2011 | Uncategorized
This is very timely as I’m working on the print galley to prepare the third installment in the Men in Blue series for print release on 8/7/12. As part of the process I supply review quotes and boy does this one have plenty of great ones. I can’t tell you how much I love reviews from Whipped Cream reviews. And this one is no exception. I recommend you check out the full review here but these snippets are making me smile big time!
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“This tale will have you riveted with its nail biting suspense and overheating from its nuclear eroticism, and a happy ending that will leave you feeling completely fulfilled. Ms. Rylon has an amazing talent for creating a clear picture in her reader’s minds that transports them into the middle of the action, creating a heart pounding, emotionally charged experience. This story was fast paced with non-stop action, believable dialogue, characters displaying raw emotions and a plot with twists and turns that would not allow me to put this book down. The eroticism portrayed in this story had me turning the pages to find out what was next and asking myself if I could stand the intensity. Ms. Rylon’s love scenes are written expressively with vivid descriptions and extreme imagery connecting her readers to the scene with their minds and emotions. If you like a book filled with a perfect blend of fast-paced suspense and explosive sexual tension, go get yourself a copy of Mistress’s Master you will not be disappointed.”
Go Men in Blue! You can also check out a blurb and excerpt on the book’s page on my site by clicking here.
by Jayne Rylon | Nov 17, 2011 | Uncategorized
The past 12 hours have been so amazing I’m still kind of stunned. Thank you to every single fan who helped put Eastern Ambitions at #26 on the NYT Bestseller list and #130 on the USA Today Bestseller list. Talk about a lifelong dream! This is a enormous milestone for me and I’m thrilled to share it with Mari Carr. Having her along on this wild ride makes it twice as fun. Coming up to Thanksgiving (how fun is it that the NYT list will be printed when my family will be visiting?) I think you all can guess what I’ll be grateful for this year. YOU!
Available from Samhain
Available from Amazon
Available from B&N
by Jayne Rylon | Nov 10, 2011 | Uncategorized

Okay, I know the conference was over a week ago. Truth be told, I’m just recovering now. It was that much excitement 🙂 This was my fourth go at Lora Leigh’s Reader Appreciation Weekend and I swear every year gets better and better. The location was gorgeous. Full on fall when we got there, and then winter as we got several inches of snow. The mountains and lake were amazing. The hotel was a straight ride from Dulles, where Mari Carr picked me up personally, but there was also a shuttle service for other out of town attendees who were not lucky enough to have a bff in the area!
The events were fabulous this year, with the smores being a highlight for me. Thanks Shari for donating your marshmallows to me! Of course, no matter how fantastic the balls and dinners were (did I mention the decadent ice cream bar?!), seeing other authors, industry professionals and of course the readers made the whole thing perfect. I got to hang out with several members of our Heat Wave Readers group as well as both returning RAW’ers and first time attendees.
The new “bobbing for authors” events were a big hit too! Basically it was like speed dating for authors and readers. And best of all, Lora gave a hardbound memory book with pictures of the resort and the authors to each attendee so they could get autographs to remember the event by. Mine is in a place of honor on my bookshelf. Oh, and then there was Lora’s sponsored racecar with all of the authors names on it. Honestly, the list could go on and on.
This post is a sad recounting of four days so jam packed with fun I could never hope to capture it all in a brief blog. I hope next year you’ll all come see for yourself. I know I’ll be there!
by Jayne Rylon | Nov 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
I LOVE this review that just came in for Eastern Ambitions. It’s a five cherry review from Whipped Cream. You can read the whole thing here (be careful, there are several spoilers!) but here are some snippets from my favorite parts.
“I love the world and the characters that Mari Carr and Jayne Rylon have so marvelously crafted. There is an electricity flowing through this story, a sense of things flowing just below the surface about to erupt, that draws the reader in with the first words. This story grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let go until the final sentence.”
“This story is deeper and more emotional than the first two books, and there are many secrets that need to come out. The connections between the main and secondary characters in this story are expertly intertwined, with everyone filling some need in another. But this is definitely Sam and Cindi’s story, and they have some major barriers to get through to get to their happy ending. There are several hot spots in this, and the scene in the yard with Cindi and the men is one of the hottest things I have read in a while. That was the moment when Cindi and Sam realized they were perfect for each other, and it was written to perfection. This is one very hot romance, but bring a huge box of tissues, because this one will bring the tears, both from laughter and from sadness.”
Available from Samhain
Available from B&N
Available from Amazon
Happy reading!

by Jayne Rylon | Nov 6, 2011 | Uncategorized

To celebrate the release of Eastern Ambitions, book three in the Compass Brothers series, Mari and I thought we’d each hold a “See how it all begins” contest. The rules are easy. Simply take a peek at my Books page and tell me which series you’ve always wanted to read. One lucky winner will receive book one in the series they select. Mari is holding a similar contest on her page, so don’t forget to pop over there to check it out. I will choose my winner Monday at 8 p.m. EST and I’ll announce it here. Thanks so much for visiting!
by Jayne Rylon | Nov 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
So… it’s finally here and I LOVE it. Just got the approved cover for Devon’s Pair (the fourth book in the Powertools series). Angela Waters is the absolute bestest! You can check it out below. Devon’s Pair will be out on January 3rd. WOOHOO. I also added blurbs and new pages for books five and six in the series which will be out next year as well. Just click on the links on the navigation bar over there to find out more —>
(Yes, that was me being lazy but I have writing to do tonight, I’m working on Red Light #4 right now!)
As if that weren’t enough, I have some big news! Morgan’s Surprise was nominated today for the best Indie Erotic Romance of 2011 from RT Magazine. I can’t tell you how honored I am to be counted among some of my absolute favorite authors. I’m thrilled! A special shout out to one of my first critique partners Jennifer Haymore for her nomination and of course Anne Rainey, my fellow International Heat author. You can check out all of the nominations here.
Thank you to all of you who have supported this series and made it possible for me to explore this ongoing relationship between the crew. I appreciate all the letters you’ve sent and the books you’ve read. I hope you enjoy Devon’s Pair as much as I did writing it and can’t wait to continue the adventure in the upcoming books.