Vote Please – Best Book of the Week

book rated 5 by wcI’m thrilled to say that Night is Darkest is in the running for Best Book of the Week at Whipped Cream reviews.  If you enjoyed the book, I’d love a vote!  You can check it out here:

If you haven’t read Night is Darkest yet, here’s a quote from the fabulous five cherry review they gave it.  Be sure to stop by their site to read the entire fabulous review.  “Night Is Darkest is a story that packs one hell of a punch. Jayne Rylon manages to combine an intriguing story with captivating characters, creating a sensual roller coaster ride with some of the most sizzling protagonists you’re likely to meet. From the moment the story starts, you’ll be snared. … The material itself is tightly written and sharp, and the pace is so brisk you’ll soar through the pages and wonder where the time has gone.”


Don’t take my word for it!

I am unbelievably excited to say that Nicole Austin read Night is Darkest recently.  I enjoy her books more than I can say so that alone was amazing.  However, she also shared her thoughts on the book on her blog.  Check it out here.


Want a Free eReader?

Happy Holidays everyone!  To celebrate, I’ll be involved in not one but two eReader giveaways.  The first is taking place right now through December 24th at the Rockin’ Raven Xmas Tree Contest.  In addition to a Sony eReader, you could win one of two gift cards.  To win you’ll have to hunt down some icons on various authors’ websites.  Fun and easy!  You can find all the juicy details here:

Rockin Raven Xmas Promo

Kate’s Crew Cover

It’s official.  Kate’s Crew is on the coming soon page at Samhain Publishing with its gorgeous cover.  I’ve been wanting to brag about this Angie Waters masterpiece for a while now.  Here it is in all its glory!  Click on the picture for more info including the blurb for the book.  It’ll be out on February 9, 2010 from Samhain Publishing.


Kate's Crew by Jayne Rylon