It’s a good one! Half off before noon and 40% off after that. I just checked and you can get my pre-order of Healing Touch (which comes out next Tuesday!) for $1.93 instead of the $5.50 list price. It’s a full length novel so that’s a pretty freaking great deal I’d say! Code is EARLYBIRD in the morning and CYBERMONDAY after 1pm.
Buy Healing Touch from Samhain Publishing
And if you haven’t snagged my latest available, Where There’s Smoke from the Two to Tango anthology with Jess Dee and Lorelei James, that’s just $1.75 this morning!
Buy Where There’s Smoke from Samhain Publishing
Here’s a link to all of my books at Samhain.
Excuse me, I think I need to do some shopping. Happy reading 🙂