Holy crapoly! How did I miss this? Someone just showed me an amazing 4 star review for Razor’s Edge from RT magazine. You can read the whole thing here but they had some really phenomenal insight into the book.
“Razor’s Edge balances humor and eroticism perfectly and the revelations behind heroine Isabella’s failed marriage, her family history and a sex slavery ring keep the plot fresh and full of suspense. Isabella will resonate with readers as a spunky, resilient heroine with an undeniable sultry side. Her pairing with Razor provides absolutely electric chemistry and the entire first half of the novel reads as great foreplay until the two can consummate their desire. Readers may have to suspend their disbelief for a few of the raunchier scenes — and some may be turned off by kinkier S&M scenarios involving Isabella’s villainous husband Malcolm and other men. Nevertheless, the novel’s sexual scenes deepen the readers’ understanding of the characters. You won’t want to miss the next installment of this guilty pleasure series!”
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Huge congrats on the review. Esp since it is from RT.
That is HUGE coming from them. Congratulations!
I must agree that is a great review and it was a great story!!!!